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Placement at TPc

Student Advisors

Hello and welcome to Tagore PG College Placements Portal. The success of a college is dependent on placements. A professional degree has become a job seekers holy grain. Director placement's tenacious and diligent coverage of all the verticals for the placements have given students a more well - rounded understanding of the business world.

The placement cell of Tagore colege has taken upon itself the onerous yet fulfilling task of assisting the students bettering their career prospect by providing them need based and result- oriented training programmes that help them achieve their need. This process is engaged through modern training facilities and innovative methodology which work at satisfying the objective of providing career guidance to students, co-ordination with prospective external agencies/industries/companies and suitably enriching the experience on both sides. The Placement Cell is headed by a committee that exerts itself in order to maintain the high level of interaction enjoyed by the companies with the students, thereby helping the latter to develop successful job strategies and career wise decision-making and other skills commensurate with the expectations of the industry. A good collection of reference books and pertinent articles are available for purposes of understanding the scope of operations better. The members in-charge are available on call to respond to students questions and concerns including advice on placement procedures, help with preparation of applications, curriculum vitae and reference letters etc

Placement Process

Activites at TPC

Industry-Institute Interface,

Industry Visits,

Management Development Programmes / Seminars / Workshops,

Personality Development Framework,

Pre-Placement Counseling. 
CCR and Faculty Committee facilitates and provides the guidance to the students.

Following are various activities where students are actively involved and share responsibilities: Developing & Executing the Placement Strategy,

Conducting Recruitment Survey,

Interaction with Potential Recruiters,

Placement Presentation at Various Companies,

Group Discussion followed by Interview Skills Development Sessions

Career Guidance.